4 Steps For Deciding Which Story To Write

I’m in a weird place with my writing right now. I just finished up some revisions on a novel that I’m querying with agents and I haven’t started in on a new big project yet. It feels a bit odd to be between stories. There’s a bit of hesitation- I don’t want to jump into […]

11 Reasons to do Nanowrimo (Plus FAQ)

Nanowrimo is coming! Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it happens every November. Which will be here soon! Of course novel writing can (and should!) happen year round. But there is something special about writers new and experienced alike all coming together to work toward common goals. There is so much excitement and […]

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

Start Now: Why We Should Start Before We’re Ready

Starting is hard There’s something magical about a new notebook with its blank pages full of possibility- but there’s something terrifying about it as well. Where to begin? Are we really ready to start writing? What if we mess it up? When we have a new project to start it can be an exciting time […]

Steps to Success Part 1: Getting Started

So you’ve decided you want to write a book. Congratulations! I’m excited for you! That declaration is the first step of a glorious and complicated (and gloriously complicated) journey. So where do you begin? Some people immediately grab some paper and throw words on a page. After all, if you’re a writer you should be […]