Writers: Take Time For Dreams

Sometimes there just seems so much to do. Those books won’t write themselves, you know! There’s pressure to hustle harder and get our butts on the chair and write write write. And they’re not wrong. But sometimes sticking to our to-do lists, hustling, and being busy busy busy isn’t actually the best way to go […]

Happy New Year!

There is always something so exciting about January and looking at the new year ahead, putting the past behind us and starting fresh. It’s a great time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. To review how we’re doing mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. And I hope we’re also taking time to […]

Goals, Mini Goals, and Grace

With the new year on the horizon I’ve been reflecting and thinking about goals to be setting for myself. Especially after this past year of unexpected challenges, it’s been an interesting thought experiment! Many of my reflections have started with looking at goals in general and have ended up focused on the concepts of mini […]

Taking a Break: Rest Is Important

Between a couple birthdays and the start of school, life is a bit bonkers at my house! And I’ve been reminded that sometimes taking a break is important. Rest is important. I’ll be taking the rest of September off from creating new content on my blog. Instead I’m going to link to a few older […]

Wellness Activities for Hard Times

There is a lot going on in the world today. Please be careful and stay safe! I hope we can all take some time to evaluate how we’re doing today and maybe practice some activities that make us feel healthy both physically and emotionally. And if you don’t have time and you’re overwhelmed with other […]

Steps to Success Part 5: Rest

So you’ve finished the first draft of your story- Congratulations!! That is a very big deal. No matter what shape your story is in, I’m so proud of you! Getting those words down on a page and creating the start of your story is a huge accomplishment. Are you feeling excited? Proud? A bit exhausted […]