There are a lot of good, great, and fabulous things we could be doing and sometimes it’s hard to decide just where to invest our time. We could be playing frisbee! Learning French! Cuddling puppies! Volunteering! Making new friends! It can be a slippery slope between being engaged and being exhausted. It’s tricky to know […]
Being Afraid (and Writing Anyway)
I am afraid. I am afraid my writing will fail. I am afraid people will judge my work and find me lacking. I am afraid I am not good enough. Fear is real. Do you have the same doubts? Do you wonder what you are doing calling yourself a writer? Are you afraid the words […]
3 Truths For Writers Who Are Busy Busy Busy
Hi, I’m Bethany. And I’m busy. (And tired. And probably hungry…) We live in the land of the chronically busy and always tired. If you always have plenty of time for writing and sleep and general life, kudos to you! (And tell me your secrets!!! Seriously, inquiring minds want to know.) For the rest of […]
5 Ways To Take A Writing Break Without Quitting
Ever try to take a break and had someone tell you, “If you don’t do it now, you never will?” (I have!) There is some truth to this statement: we’ve probably all put things off and then never gotten around to them. But the flip side is that sometimes we just need a break. For […]
Goals and Grace: Important Tools For Every Writer
What does it take to be a writer? A writer must complete many different types of projects in order to complete their work. There’s outlining, drafting, revising, just to name a few big ones! Writers need to be able to do it all. So we writers learn to brainstorm. We learn to use writing programs […]