Interested in guest posting?
Take a look at the guidelines below and send me a message. 🙂
Guest Post Guidelines
- Guest posts should be between 500-2,000 words and should be original content.
- Topics can range from basic writing skills, writing craft, self-care, time management, building a writing lifestyle, etc. This can be flexible if you have something you’re excited to talk about.
- There should not be any sales-y or affiliate links in the post, though you should definitely include a link to your own website in your author bio and elsewhere as applicable.
- I will provide pictures and social media graphics unless other arrangements are specifically made. This allows me to ensure they fit with the feel of my blog as well as ensure I have the rights to use the pictures.
- I will share guests posts within my weekly email newsletter and social media channels and you will be encouraged to share with your audience as well as applicable.
- Please include an author bio including picture, book info, social media links, etc.
To apply to be a guest poster you can contact me with a proposed post topic and a short blurb or outline re: what you would like to say in your post. It doesn’t need to be perfect by any means- this is just so you don’t have to go through the work of writing the full post if the topic should be tweaked a bit first to be a better fit for the blog.
Thanks so much for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you! Happy writing! 🙂