Bethany’s Best: Fight Scenes & More

Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the adventure of living and writing well. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Round Up: Writing Fight Scenes Writing good action scenes in our stories can be incredibly hard. We want a fight that […]

The Art of Asking: How To Assert Ourselves as Artists

So. Asking for help is hard. Asking for anything is hard. I’m not particularly good at it, and you know what? I’m not alone. This fear of asking overflows into our work as writers. The writing process involves creating stories and asking people to read them, to review them, to love them. When we are […]

The Mind-Changing Power of Giving Thanks

Sometimes I catch myself being super negative, especially when I’m hungry or haven’t gotten enough sleep. It’s a dangerous, slippery slope because once I start being critical, suddenly I see fault in everything. Which is why it’s so powerful to practice thanksgiving. For a bit now I’ve been trying to regularly stop and take time […]

Bethany’s Best: Query Letters & More

Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the adventure of living and writing well. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Roundup: Query Letters A query letter is like a cover letter for our novel that is sent to an agent. It […]

8 Secrets from Save The Cat! to Improve Our Stories

Lately I’ve been on a reading kick and Save the Cat! by Blake Snyder is definitely one of my favorite finds by far. Not only is this book extremely informative and practical but it’s just plain FUN to read. It’s definitely one I’ll want to keep on my bookshelf for regular rereads. Today we’re going […]

Low-Stress Website Building Step by Step

Today we’re going to walk through how to set up a website. It doesn’t need to be stressful to create something that will be useful for you! I’ve gone through this process somewhat recently myself so I’ll be sharing what I’ve done (or wish I’d done haha) along with resources that may work for you. […]

typewriter with drawings

Bethany’s Best: Story Structure & More

Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the adventure of living and writing well. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Roundup: Story Structure Story structure is the framework that holds our stories together and helps them resonate with our readers. It […]

5 Reasons We Fear Finishing Our Stories

The last few chapters of my drafts consistently take me way way longer than they should. Is it because the exciting conclusion is just so exciting I don’t want to leave? (That can’t be a bad thing, right?) But there’s more to it than that. A lot of why I struggle to finish my drafts […]

Bethany’s Best: Traditional Publishing (and More!)

Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the adventure of living and writing well. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Roundup: Traditional Publishing I recently wrote about various publishing options that we have as writers, and how different options may be […]