It’s a fresh year my friends! That means new calendars and new chances. Did you set any New Year’s resolutions? I’m a huge sucker for goals- I love setting them, I love talking about them, I get way too excited and scare people away by asking them too many questions about their Goals and Dreams […]
Steps To Success Part 10: The Writing Cycle
The writing cycle is the ongoing journey every writer is on and what we’ve been looking at in this Steps To Success novel writing series. Last month we talked about publishing our writing, which can seem like the “finish line” of sorts. Some may say we’ve reached the end of the writing journey. But really […]
Bethany’s Best, December Edition: Self-Publishing, Squash Soup, and Journaling
Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the journey as a busy writer. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Roundup: Self-Publishing I recently wrote about various publishing options that we have as writers, and how different options […]
Writing Interrupted: 3 Reasons to Allow and Use Interruptions
It happens to all of us: we hear “Do you have a minute?” “Can you help with this?” or “What are you doing there?” Our writing gets interrupted. We have cats and small children climbing on top of our keyboards. Holiday events that are planned during our writing hours. There are things to do and […]
20 Unique, Fun, and Useful Gifts For Writers
Wondering what to put on your Christmas wish list? Not sure what to get for that special writer friend in your life? Today I’m here to make your job a little easier. I’ve spent plenty of time procrastinating online *hem* I mean giving this good thought, and I’ve collected some great gift ideas for writers. […]
Steps To Success Part 9: Publishing
So you’ve written your book. Good for you!! Cue fireworks! Celebrations! Accolades of all kinds! This is a huge deal, my friend. After all the excitement dies down, you may find yourself asking, “So… now what?” Just as there are many different writing styles and methods, there are many different options when it comes to […]
Bethany’s Best, November Edition: Pep Talks and What Ifs
Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the journey as a busy writer. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Roundup: Pep Talks From The Nanowrimo Archives Today marks the last day of November and the end […]
31 Encouraging Quotes For Writers
Sometimes we just need to know we’re not alone, we’re not (too) crazy, and that other writers have been here before us. Writing is hard and a little encouragement can go a long way! Here are some inspirational, go-getting, and encouraging quotes for writers no matter where we are on the journey. Enjoy, and I […]
Perseverance: When We Don’t Feel Like Writing
Let’s be real. We’re not always going to “feel” like writing. We’re going to be tired. We’ll be busy and have other things to do. If you’re like me, you’ll realize it’s suddenly really important to wash the dishes and maybe reorganize something while you’re at it. (I’m never so motivated to do housework than […]
21 Writing Prompts To Jumpstart Any Story
Do you feel like your story is stalling out? Are things feeling a bit stale and boring and you’re not quite sure where to go next? Never fear! Writing prompts are here. There are endless possibilities in store to spice things up a bit. 🙂 Whether you’re just completing your first week of NaNoWriMo this month […]
Steps to Success NaNoWriMo Edition: 21 Tips For Accomplishing Big Writing Goals
This month we’re taking a break from our usual Steps to Success series in order to take a look at something near and dear to my heart. Because NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is here!! Which means that today we’re talking about how to accomplish big writing goals. Whether you’ve signed up with NaNoWriMo to write 50,000 […]
Bethany’s Best: NaNoWriMo Prep, Letter Writing, and Perspective
Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the journey as a busy writer. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Roundup: NaNoWriMo Prep Coming up next month in November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. I’m […]
5 Key Beliefs of Successful Writers
Life is busy and writing is hard, yet we have words to write and stories inside of us. So what do we do? Beyond learning the rules and craft of writing itself, these are several key writing beliefs that can help us succeed in our work. These mindsets can shape our attitude and approach to […]
A Writer’s Guide to Mythical Creatures Part 2
Last month we took a look at seven underappreciated mythical creatures to inform and inspire our writing. Beyond the classic dragon/unicorn/mermaid triad, there are countless other mythological beings, characters, and creatures to learn about. Unique and fantastic beasts can be found in the mythology of every culture and they’re a gold mine of inspiration for […]
Steps to Success Part 8: Editing
Ever stop reading something because of a spelling mistake? Find yourself twitching when someone misuses their/they’re/there? Shake your head over a typo? I have. This is why editing is important. The Importance of Editing Whether we plan to submit our work to an agent, self-publish, or take our work down a different path: editing is […]