Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

5 Ways To Take A Writing Break Without Quitting

Ever try to take a break and had someone tell you, “If you don’t do it now, you never will?” (I have!) There is some truth to this statement: we’ve probably all put things off and then never gotten around to them. But the flip side is that sometimes we just need a break. For […]

Photo by Chloe Si on Unsplash

30 Self Care Strategies for the Busy Writer

  Mental health is so important. It’s not just relevant for people with “issues” (though really, doesn’t that describe us all??) – we all should be taking care of ourselves. Self care is how we do that. Writing is hard work. It can be mentally and emotionally challenging which makes self care incredibly important. We need […]

Goals and Grace: Important Tools For Every Writer

What does it take to be a writer? A writer must complete many different types of projects in order to complete their work. There’s outlining, drafting, revising, just to name a few big ones! Writers need to be able to do it all.   So we writers learn to brainstorm. We learn to use writing programs […]

Steps to Success Part 1: Getting Started

So you’ve decided you want to write a book. Congratulations! I’m excited for you! That declaration is the first step of a glorious and complicated (and gloriously complicated) journey. So where do you begin? Some people immediately grab some paper and throw words on a page. After all, if you’re a writer you should be […]

Why Write? Exploring Motivation to Better Our Writing

Our motivation for writing is vital to understand. Maybe you’ve heard the saying “Everyone has a book inside of them.” A quick google search shows upwards of 80% of Americans say they want to write a book. Each November finds hundreds of thousands of writers across the world hunkering down to write their novels through […]