11 Reasons to do Nanowrimo (Plus FAQ)

Nanowrimo is coming! Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it happens every November. Which will be here soon!

Of course novel writing can (and should!) happen year round.

But there is something special about writers new and experienced alike all coming together to work toward common goals. There is so much excitement and encouragement and a great community that can boost our spirits and our word counts. 

Nanowrimo helped me finish my first novel-length project back in 2013. While it may not always be the best fit for everyone, I think it’s a pretty awesome program for a variety of reasons.

11 Reasons to do Nanowrimo

1. Advice and resources

There is a huge amount of resources available on the Nanowrimo site, as well as lots of people eager to answer questions and be helpful.

2. Cool wordtrackers and badges

I get excited to enter my wordcount each day and see my personalized graph rise as I write my novel. The graphs and badges are a fun way to motivate ourselves to keep writing.

3. Accountability

This one is HUGE. Having accountability and a deadline pushes us to do more, write more, dare more. It helps us stay on track and not let our writing get forgotten or pushed aside.

4. Write ins and forums for meeting people

Okay, so meeting new people can be tricky somtimes. Nanowrimo provides great opportunities to meet other writers both online and in person.

5. Pep talks from authors

I really love getting to read the pep talks each November. Various authors share their experiences, wisdom, and encouragement. (You can find previous pep talks here.)

6. You can “create a novel” 

When you sign up to write on Nanowrimo you can name your project, enter a summary or story pitch, and create your own story cover. Look at us, being all official and such!

7. Pushes us to write without fear of being terrible

Learning to let go of our own fears and self-consciousness is super important with our writing.

8. Challenges us within a doable timeframe

Having big goals that scare us a bit are important! We may not want to take on this challenge every month, but pushing ourselves to meet an ambitious deadline helps us grow and learn.

9. Helps us accomplish things we wouldn’t do on our own

We don’t often push ourselves to do things that are uncomfortable on our own. The support (and push) of Nanowrimo can propel us forward faster than we could go alone. It makes it a great time to finally tackle that project we’ve been intimidated by or haven’t quite gotten around to doing.

10. Surrounds us with ideas and writing prompts

Sometimes our writing ideas dry up or we need some inspiration. Nanowrimo has helpful resources available and sends regular encouragement and writing prompt ideas.

11. Makes writing fun!!

Sometimes we need to rediscover the joy and magic of writing and Nanowrimo wants to help with that.

Do you have a project you’re thinking about these days? Ready to take the plunge and move forward?

Especially if you’re NOT feeling quite ready- Nanowrimo is the time for you to say okay let’s do it anyway


Does it have to be a novel?

Nope! You can also revise an earlier project, write non-fiction, or create any goal of your choice. You just have to be writing!!!

Can I sign up with my friends?

Please do! Buddies are encouraged. Feel free to add me as a writing buddy (Bethy Rose), I’ll be working on my new sci-fi western.

What if I can’t do it?

No worries! Any writing is good writing during Nanowrimo, even if you only write a few words. Give it a shot and see how you do! The community is super encouraging and supportive.

Next steps (optional but encouraged)

  • Sign up on nanowrimo, explore the sights
  • Sort out a project plan and goals for yourself and write a one-two sentence log line/pitch to direct yourself over the coming month
  • Create your novel on the Nanowrimo site
  • Write a basic outline of your story
    Note: I usually like to outline major plot points from the story structure timeline and then flesh out scenes so that I have at least 25-30 scenes/chapters, that way I’ll have material to write about each day of the month.
  • Check out Nanowrimo prep ideas on their site
  • Get excited, stock up on tea, tell your friends, and start the countdown for November 1st!!

For more (free) story writing resources, download Steps to Success: How To Make Your Dream Novel A Reality.

Let me know if you’re signing up for Nanowrimo- I’d love to cheer you on! And no matter what you’re working on this week- best of luck to you! 🙂

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