12 Gifts For A Creative’s Christmas

I’m here to talk about gifts for writers! Gifts for friends, family, neighbors, and ourselves! Fun things that will make any creative’s Christmas (or any day!) special.

I know I’ve talked about gifts before (see here and here) but it’s something I just get really excited about so bear with me. And if you have any fun book-ish or writing inspired gift ideas, feel free to share in the comments below!

Please note that these are affiliate links which means I get a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. If that makes you feel weird, feel free to google any of these items on your own in a new window.

And now for the fun stuff!

12 Gifts for a Creative’s Christmas

1. Keep Going and Show Your Work by Austin Kleon

Okay, so this is technically two books but I couldn’t choose between them! These books are on my own wishlist after I loved Kleon’s earlier book, Steal Like An Artist.

2. Book Novelty Pins

Perfect for any book lover to show off their reading pride! They state “Books are Magic” and “The Book was Better” along with featuring a reading hedgehog. (Adorable.)

3. Structuring Your Novel by K. M. Weiland

This award winning book is a great read on story structure, breaking down how we can write “an outstanding story.”

4. Coffee, Books, and Oxford Commas Tshirt

I find this amusing, educational, and stylish at all once. (It comes in other fun colors as well, not that there’s anything wrong with black.)

5. Just One More Chapter Mug

Of course we know it will be more than just one more chapter… but we can pretend anyways. And every book lover knows that nothing goes better with reading than a hot beverage!

6. Fearless Bracelet

No matter what we’re facing, we could all use the reminder to be fearless! We’re brave and bold and we’ve got this.

7. Library Due Date Card Mirror

This is just super cute and super cool! Libraries are the bomb. This makes me want to need a mirror just so I can get this one.

8. Library Card Bookbag

This awesome bag is from Out of Print, a company that will donate a book to a community in need for every purchase. So when you check out this bag, check out their company too!

9. Fox Ring Dish Holder

“You make the wold a better place just by being in it.” Words of encouragement we all need! This dish is on my counter where I see it every day. (Also, I love foxes! They’re the best.)

10. Wander Often, Wonder Always Sign

Creatives are the most curious people I know. What if? What then? How crazy would it be if this happened? There is no limit to the possibilities and I love that. Keep dreaming and keep wondering, my friends.

11. Fingerless Gloves

For when it’s cold out but we have things (like writing) to do. Fingerless gloves are my friend. Plus, check out this hat that I have heard great things about- it has an opening for a ponytail!

12. Save the Whales, Trees, and the Oxford Comma Bumper Sticker

Just to make sure there’s no confusion as to where you stand on certain grammar rules, this bumper sticker should do the job.

And with that, we’ve reached the end of our creative’s Christmas wishlist! Happy gift giving and happy holidays!

2 thoughts on “12 Gifts For A Creative’s Christmas

  1. I am just loving snooping around here. Keep posting. I’m teaching creative writing classes in middle school, and the search for materials led me your delightful and very helpful website. I’m so happy to have found it- both for school and for my own enjoyment.

    1. Thanks so much, Tonya! Glad to have you here! And please feel free to comment or shoot me a note through my contact page if there’s ever anything specific that may be helpful for your creative writing class. Or for you! 🙂

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