5 Reasons to Finish Your Projects

As writers, finishing projects is a huge deal. Finishing projects is the difference between writing as a now-and-then hobby and writing as a lifestyle that produces results. You may be confused, because recently I talked about why sometimes it might be best to give up on a project. This is true. It is important to […]

Nanowrimo Is Almost Here!

Every year, November is a bit of a magical time for some writers. Through Nanowrimo they band together in an inclusive and encouraging community, they set lofty goals, and they make writing a priority. Words are written and both small and big successes are celebrated. Nanowrimo is a special time. I’ve participated in Nanowrimo for […]

Dare to be Average- Not Perfect

To dare to be average is to intentionally let go of trying to be perfect. Perfectionism is defined as striving for and demanding perfectionism, which normally seems like a good thing. Right? Yet it turns out, some of our beliefs about perfect may not be quite… true. Consider this quote by Dr. David D. Burns, […]

From the Archives: Website Building

I’ll be taking the rest of September off from creating new content on my blog. Instead I’m going to link to a few older posts in case you want to give them a look… plus I’m bribing you to stick around with cute pictures 🙂 Today’s Theme: Website Building for Writers If you’re thinking about […]

Taking a Break: Rest Is Important

Between a couple birthdays and the start of school, life is a bit bonkers at my house! And I’ve been reminded that sometimes taking a break is important. Rest is important. I’ll be taking the rest of September off from creating new content on my blog. Instead I’m going to link to a few older […]

When To Give Up On Your Goals

Goals are great. They push us in the direction we want to go and they help us achieve more than we could otherwise. I am a huge advocate for setting and using goals. However. Sometimes we need to give up on our goals. Cue *gasp* I know, right? Giving up just seems so… icky. Clearly […]