Dare to be Average- Not Perfect

To dare to be average is to intentionally let go of trying to be perfect. Perfectionism is defined as striving for and demanding perfectionism, which normally seems like a good thing. Right? Yet it turns out, some of our beliefs about perfect may not be quite… true. Consider this quote by Dr. David D. Burns, […]

When To Give Up On Your Goals

Goals are great. They push us in the direction we want to go and they help us achieve more than we could otherwise. I am a huge advocate for setting and using goals. However. Sometimes we need to give up on our goals. Cue *gasp* I know, right? Giving up just seems so… icky. Clearly […]

Don’t Tell Me: Why To Keep Quiet About Your Goals

As the new year has been starting there’s been a lot of buzz (as always) about resolutions and setting goals. And in a lot of ways, that’s awesome! I love goals. I love setting them, thinking about them, evaluating them. (Yeah, I’m a bit of a geek.)  I talk about goals a lot on this […]