Bethany’s Best: Writing Conflict, Cooking Vegetables, and Taking Naps

Bethany’s Best: Creating Conflict, Cooking Vegetables, and Taking Naps

Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the journey as a busy writer.

I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging!

Article Roundup: Creating Conflict

Conflict is what adds excitement and purpose to our stories and keeps readers engaged. After all, if there is no conflict, why should readers care what happens next? Here are some articles to help create conflict in our writing.

  • Why Your Novel’s Hero Should Fight A Good Guy Better Novel Project
    • This article challenges us to explore the shares of gray within our characters. Conflict in stories doesn’t always need to be between the hero and the villain and often the conflict between friends can be the most powerful.
  • 5 Ways To Add Conflict To Your Story– Mythcreants
    • Let’s look at ways to add conflict! Complete with examples, this article breaks down different types of conflict and how they can be used in our stories.
  • 5 Ways To Create Conflict In Your Story– Screencraft
    • This article is coming from a screenwriting point of view and raises good points about how to create conflict as well as how to show it.
  • 5 Moral Dilemmas That Make Characters (& Stories) Better Writer’s Digest
    • Here we see examples of hard questions that we should ask our characters in order to add depth to our stories.


Story Spotlight: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

I really loved this book 🙂

This book makes me believe in magic, in searching for long-lost things, and in going on rambling adventures with friends. Among the hoards of YA fantasy/paranormal books that line the shelves of the local bookstores these days, this book is a breath of crisp, spring air.

The Raven Boys follows Blue Sargent as she finds herself pulled into an increasingly complex and mysterious search for answers alongside some unlikely friends. Stiefvater’s characters in this story are so rich I almost hear their voices from the pages and I expect them to keep talking long after I put the book down. I rarely return to books but rereading this story was like seeing friends again after a long time; a blend of fond recollections, new discoveries, and an overall utter pleasure.

I’m sometimes shy about starting book series because I’m impatient when waiting for them all to be released or I’m afraid the sequels will let me down (I’m a bit of a pessimist at times I suppose) but in this case you don’t have to worry- the series is complete and the entire thing is worth reading.

What else to say? Stiefvater’s descriptions are unique and vivid, bringing the story to life as well as making reading it a pleasure. And this story is steeped in myth and history, giving it good depth. The writing style may not be for everyone but this book is definitely worth giving it a try.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I feel like I should be going on a quest to solve long forgotten mysteries so I’ll see you later … 🙂

Recipe of the Month: Ratatouille

It’s time for fresh veggies! This is a great summertime dish to make that’s full of flavor and seems fancy but is actually super easy to make. What could be better? This recipe can also be adapted depending on your taste in veggies or what you have on hand- enjoy!


Self Care Homework: Naptime!

It’s not much of a secret that I love naps. Long naps, short naps, naps in strange places… I’m an equal opportunity nap taker 😉 Whether you’re a fan of naps yourself or not, there is a lot of value in giving our bodies a few moments to just rest and recharge in the middle of the day. So let’s practice self care. Take ten minutes. Five. Even two. If you can’t lie down even just closing your eyes at your desk for a moment will do. But try to take a break, breath deep, and let yourself just “be” for a moment. Rest is good for your soul 🙂


Writing Prompt: The Villain

Write a page from the perspective of the antagonist of your current work in progress or from a favorite movie. Remember, villains are people too! (Usually 😉 )


Cuteness Quota: It’s a Hedgehog! <3



“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” —Ernest Hemingway


Hope your month has been lovely and your writing has been productive! Feel free to send me questions or suggestions either in the comments below or through my contact page. 🙂