Bethany’s Best: June 2021

Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite things recently and what I’ve been reading/listening to! Enjoy! 🙂

Bethany’s Best

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What I’m reading:

The Gifts of Imperfections by Brené Brown

This book is about “letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are” and I’ve found it to be an excellent read to work through slowly, letting myself have plenty of time to think it through. Brown shares personal stories as well as a lot of experience and research in this book and I really appreciate her approachable writing style.

Reading The Bible From The Margins by Miguel A. De La Torre

This book challenges readers to think about their assumptions and “location” that they understand the world, and specifically the Bible, through. As a white, straight, Christian I’ve found this to be a good challenge to be learning how to consider different ways to read and understand scripture and what implications that may have.

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

This was the latest in my efforts to read some classic literature and I was not disappointed! This was a short read (which my schedule appreciates) and yet there was so much in it to admire, sentences and ideas to reread and think over. It makes you want to go out to sea and ponder life for a while.

What I’m watching:

Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim was described to me as one of the best movies ever if you accept that it’s a B level movie. And I’d say that’s about accurate! You don’t want to question things too much or think too hard about the plot, but I found it to be an enjoyable action flick. Plus, I mean, giant robots fighting aliens- what’s not to love??

What I’m listening to:

Monk’s Dream by Thelonious Monk

I don’t remember how I stumbled across his music but I’ve recently been enjoying listening to some jazz by Thelonious Monk. It’s been the soundtrack as I’ve been cooking lately and I love it!

Writing prompt:

In the current scene or situation you’re writing, how could you make things go wrong for your protagonist?

Mental health prompts:

  • Make a list of 10 things that make you happy- big or small. Bonus: Circle one to do this week.

Happy Picture:

Foxes make me smile 🙂

Feel free to leave a comment with what you’re reading/watching/or listening to these days! Hope you are well! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Bethany’s Best: June 2021

  1. I enjoyed The Old Man and The Sea when I read it in high school, and I didn’t enjoy many assigned readings.

    I’ve been watching The Handmaids Tale. It’s disturbing yet keeps me on the edge of my seat. Also makes me think a lot.

    Love reading the “Bethanys Best” series of posts btw 🙂

    1. Aww, thanks! Glad you enjoy the Bethany’s Best series 🙂 I haven’t ever seen The Handmaid’s Tale but you’re not the first one to tell me it is both good and disturbing!!

    2. Thanks, Molly!! 🙂 And I totally agree- there were some assigned readings I liked more than others for sure. It’s nice to get to pick and choose which ones to go back and read now 😉

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