Fiction University Guest Post: How To Include Mental Health Issues In Our Fiction

This week I’m guest posting over at Fiction University! I’m talking about why and how to include mental health issues in our fiction, a topic I think is extremely important. So hop on over to Fiction University when you have three minutes, both to take a look at my post (yay!) and also to check […]

The Importance of the Non-Glamorous

Reading glamorous success stories can be so attractive and addictive. We look at brilliant musicians and say we wish we were gifted like that. We admire great art and lament we aren’t artistic. We read books, view sculptures, gawk at inventions, and marvel at math… and we think we could never do that. We think […]

Beautiful Libraries and Bookstores Around The World

Let’s travel together by taking a look at some beautiful libraries and bookstores around the world! Yes, I want to visit every single one of these 🙂 I’ve tried to label these as best I could but please let me know if I’ve missed anything. And feel free to chime in with your favorites below, […]

Writers: Take Time For Dreams

Sometimes there just seems so much to do. Those books won’t write themselves, you know! There’s pressure to hustle harder and get our butts on the chair and write write write. And they’re not wrong. But sometimes sticking to our to-do lists, hustling, and being busy busy busy isn’t actually the best way to go […]

Writing Theme in Our Stories

Theme in story can be tricky to pin down sometimes. Sometimes it’s described as what’s “below the surface” of the novel, or the iceberg that is mostly hidden below the water. A story’s theme is also referred to its “soul” or its “core.” Basically it means what a story is about, its universal theme, or […]

7 Possible Motives for Villains

Every villain needs a motive, because here’s the secret: from their perspective they’re not the villain. They have reasons for doing what they’re doing. We can’t just have vague “evil villains” being bad just for the sake of giving our heroes someone to fight. Often a villain’s motivations can be remarkably similar to our heroes, […]