Quotes and Comments on The Artist’s Way

I’m still working through Julia Cameron’s excellent book The Artist’s Way and have gathered together a few of my favorite quotes and thoughts to share. (You can see a few earlier quotes from last month’s favorite things post!) Now I’ll admit I don’t do every exercise in the book or work through it as consistently […]

New Year, New Beginnings, New Dreams

New year, new goals, fresh starts. What do you want to do this year? Who do you want to be? What do you want to leave behind? I’ve been rethinking goals and priorities and it’s both challenging and refreshing to contemplate changes. What would it look like if we could shape our lives how we […]

Making Our Writing Emotional

Strong emotions (especially negative emotions such as grief, failure, and shame) can be uncomfortable. As humans we try to temper and shy away from some of these messier emotions and the undignified moments of life. It shouldn’t surprise us that as writers we sometimes do the same thing. Now, for the record, it’s not necessarily […]

From the Archives: Mental Wellness

This month we’re collecting posts from the archives on some of our biggest topics. Today we’re looking at mental wellness, one half of the blog’s core theme of “writing and wellness.” Mental wellness shouldn’t be seen as optional or an afterthought- it’s actually a very big deal. It’s also a very varied topic, including (just […]