Getting Started: Ready or Not?

Sometimes we’re totally ready for a new challenge or adventure.

Other times… maybe not so much.

Getting Started: Ready or Not?

I’ve been thinking about challenges as Nanowrimo starts off this week- I have been hemming and hawing about whether or not to sign up because no, I don’t feel ready.

I’m reminded that there are times when it is best to hold off on starting, times when it’s best to bide our time, regroup, and make preparations. Times when it may be best to give up entirely if we realize we’re on the wrong path.

Sometimes it’s wise to know when we just aren’t ready.

But then sometimes it’s best to just go for it.

Sometimes we need to step forward even when we aren’t 100% comfortable. As the great E.B White said, “A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word to paper.”

Even if we aren’t completely ready, starting forward can give us clarity of focus and can help us gain momentum. It can help us overcome our fears.

But which situation is which and how do we know?

Seven (ish) questions for deciding if a project is worth doing now:

  • Will I regret it if I don’t act now?
  • What am I giving up to take on this project now?
  • What do I hope to gain?
  • What are my motives for this project? Do they line up with my overall life priorities?
  • Is it healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically for me to take on this project now?
  • What is the timeline for this project?
  • What does my gut say?

There are no magic formulas for decision making and no one can make the choices for us. Each each situation is different and we should take what time we need to evaluate what will be a healthy choice for our current needs.

Making it Personal

For myself I realized that if I signed up to take on the full challenge of Nanowrimo this year it would likely result in less time invested in a few things I really can’t cut back on and it would likely lead to rushed work and burnout… so not quite the results I would hope for.

Yet, I’d still like to push myself to move forward with some of my revision work that was slowed by my recent move.

My conclusion?

I’m setting my own personalized revision goal that will hopefully push me to write more but will allow enough space for me to still prioritize some important projects and family-and-friends time. Instead of the word-trackers and badges of Nanowrimo, I’m making my own chart to track my progress. And I’m going to be taking November off from blogging so I can focus on my other projects.

It may not be a perfect solution but it fits what I need.

What about you? Where are you in regards to your projects and life these days?

We’re in a funny part of the year, with holidays things getting busy and with a new year on the horizon.

With January coming up soon I’m (of course) thinking even more about goals and plans, thinking of all the projects I’d like to take on next year and move forward with.

However, I know I can’t take it all on at once- I like to dream big but I also need to balance that out with self-care and sustainable habits.

I’m not sure what the next year looks like for me exactly. Even with my quasi-Nanowrimo goals this month I feel like I’m just making guesses and then doing the best I can.

And you know what? That’s enough.

For now I’m just going to take the next few steps and see where it takes me.

In case you missed it, I’ll be taking November off from blogging so I can focus on my Nano-rebel revisions goals and gear up for the holidays.

If you’re looking for writing advice and community during November, check out the Nanowrimo forums which are always a happening place!