Goals, Grace, and Focus Words

Happy New Year! As promised, we’re kicking off the year talking about goals. One of my favorite things! šŸ™‚

We don’t need to be stressed, intimidated, or legalistic about it all: Goals can look like many different things and they can be a hugely useful tool even when used minimally.

Along with goals we’ll also be talking about grace.

Having grace is when we are kind to ourselves, when we forgive ourselves for falling short of our goals, and when we allow ourselves to not be perfect.

Because none of us are perfect!! Recognizing that we aren’t writing robots who never falter or fail is helpful so that we can be patient with ourselves and our own work. This is where things like self-care and rest come in šŸ™‚

Goals and grace are both vital parts of living a balanced and productive life.

Goals, Grace, and Focus Words

Note: Before jumping in to talk about goals, first check out my last post on taking time to reflect if you haven’t done so already. It’s helpful to recognize where we are before we jump into what’s next.


I’ve actually talked about goals quite a bit before regarding setting SMART goals, setting and revising goals, and plenty more in the archives.

When you boil it down, it doesn’t need to be too complicated: We review our priorities and decide what we want to focus on, what we want to achieve. Then we make a plan for how we can move in that direction!

There are so many different ways to do this and everyone has to find what works for them in their particular season of life.

It can be tempting to think, if only I had the perfect goal and the color-coded planner with the magically productive schedule! THEN I could really get things done.

The secret is, there’s no secret. There’s no magical schedule or perfect way to do things that makes it all easy.

It takes work and it’s not always glamorous. It’s putting our butts in the chair.

But when we know where we want to go (say, by reflecting on our priorities and making a goal) then our work can move us in the right direction. It may be less glamorous than we’d hoped but we’ll get there šŸ™‚

So what are your priorities right now? What would you like to achieve in the next year? In the next month? What direction do you want to be headed in? And what’s the next step or two to get there?

Make a plan and we’ll be on our way!


It’s healthy and helpful to recognize where we’re at personally as we make our plans. This self-awareness is a form of self-care and a way to extend grace to ourselves.

Ambitious goals can be really wonderful, but sometimes it’s incredibly wise to really resist that busy pace. This is counter cultural and honestly very hard to do sometimes!

But sometimes slow rhythms is the more healthy and sustainable way of life for us.

Where are you at today? What does your season of life look like? Do you think you’re in a slow or more ambitious season so far as writing goes? How can you care for yourself while pursuing your goals?

If in an ambitious season, it’s time to set some big goals and dive right in! And then check in on yourself regularly to evaluate both the goals as well as mental/emotional state. Adjust and repeat as needed!

If you’re in a slower season, don’t feel bad! Life takes many winding paths sometimes.

You can still set goals, but instead of big, overwhelming goals you’ll be looking at micro goals and baby steps. Working slowly is actually a hugely productive strategy in the long haul and there is nothing wrong with taking things at our own pace!

Focus Words

Sometimes instead of (or along with) my concrete goals I will have a focus word or idea that shapes what I do.

Words like: be gentle, diligence, keep going, dauntless, slow and steady, focus and go deeper, butt in chair, or #amwriting, are all examples of themes that may be useful.

These words and themes can provide a touchstone to guide us through our days as we make decisions and sort out daily tasks.

What words would you like to shape your life and creative work?

There’s no magic formula. But taking the time to examine where we want to go can help us to get there!

Happy New Year and happy writing! šŸ™‚