There are a lot of good, great, and fabulous things we could be doing and sometimes it’s hard to decide just where to invest our time. We could be playing frisbee! Learning French! Cuddling puppies! Volunteering! Making new friends! It can be a slippery slope between being engaged and being exhausted. It’s tricky to know […]
You’re Amazing! Affirming Words For Writers
Writers need encouragement. Creating stories, revising endlessly, balancing projects- writing can be a lot of work! And for most of us our writing is a side job, our personal time, a fun hobby in addition to life’s general craziness. Writing can be exhausting, discouraging, and sometimes thankless work where we’re not sure if what we’re […]
Steps to Success Part 4: The First Draft
There’s something so exciting about writing a first draft. New things being created, new words being put down on the page, new character developments and ideas. In short, everything is new 🙂 That’s not to say the first draft isn’t without its own set of problems and trials! A huge amount of first drafts get […]
Bethany’s Best: Creating Conflict, Cooking Vegetables, and Taking Naps
Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the journey as a busy writer. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Roundup: Creating Conflict Conflict is what adds excitement and purpose to our stories and keeps readers engaged. […]
16 Writing Prompts And On Finding Everyday Inspiration
It’s time to get the creative juices flowing with some writing prompts! Whether you’re looking to brainstorm a new project, you need a break from your current writing, or you’re just looking for an excuse to have some fun, you’ve come to the right place. 🙂 A writing prompt can be anything that gives us […]
6 Reminders For When Writing is Hard
People may argue over whether “writer’s block” is a real thing, but there is no denying that writing can be hard work. While being a writer is often glamorized, glorified, and sought after, writing can also be a challenging, messy, and downright miserable business. As Walter Wellesley “Red” Smith is credited with saying, “You simply […]
Steps to Success Part 3: Creating an Outline
Steps to Success is a series walking us through the process of writing a novel from beginning to end. As always, personal preferences and experiences differ. This guide is based in part on my own experiences as well as from authors I have worked with and/or learned from along the way. Today we’re talking about […]
Bethany’s Best: Worldbuilding, Hydration, and a Cute Puppy
Each month I take a moment to pause and share a few things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the journey as a busy writer. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Awesome Articles: Worldbuilding Worldbuilding is when we create a fictional setting for our story. This is especially important for […]
4 Writing Lessons From The Emperor’s New Groove
From poison to spinach puffs- this Disney story has it all. Winning a handful of awards and a cult-like following, The Emperor’s New Groove is a shining gem we can learn from as storytellers and writers. The only question in this offbeat animated classic is where to even start? (This post does contain some spoilers. […]
S.M.A.R.T. Goals for Smart Writers
Are you setting goals for your writing? Ever heard of SMART goals? I was introduced to SMART goals a few years back when I worked as a case manager and I haven’t shut up about them since. They’re just that great! A lot of people out there will tell you that goals are important. A […]
3 Ways To Write More In Less Time
Wouldn’t it be nice to have hours upon hours to cozy up with our writing? To spread our notebooks across the grass and write the day away, or maybe claim a spot at the local coffee shop until the barista knows our drink order? Honestly, sometimes I dream of having even five minutes to myself. […]
Bethany’s Best: Character Arcs, Feminist Teenagers, and Tortilla Soup
We’re all on this writing journey together! Each month I take a moment to pause and share things I’ve found to be helpful and fun along the adventure as a busy writer. I hope you find them to be enlightening and encouraging! Article Spotlights: Character Arcs The Oxford Living Dictionary defines character arc as “a […]
Being Afraid (and Writing Anyway)
I am afraid. I am afraid my writing will fail. I am afraid people will judge my work and find me lacking. I am afraid I am not good enough. Fear is real. Do you have the same doubts? Do you wonder what you are doing calling yourself a writer? Are you afraid the words […]
Steps to Success Part 2: Developing Content
So you’ve decided to write a book – good for you! Hopefully at this point you’ve brainstormed a little bit and have gathered together a rough idea of what you want to write about. Keep those ideas in mind because we’re going to dig a little deeper into them and transform them from vague concepts to solid […]
3 Truths For Writers Who Are Busy Busy Busy
Hi, I’m Bethany. And I’m busy. (And tired. And probably hungry…) We live in the land of the chronically busy and always tired. If you always have plenty of time for writing and sleep and general life, kudos to you! (And tell me your secrets!!! Seriously, inquiring minds want to know.) For the rest of […]