Songwriting and Just Going For It

So this month I’m trying something new with my writing. I’m not really very good at it and I very much expect to fail. But… I’m doing it anyway!

Who here has heard of FAWM?

FAWM stands for February Album Writing Month. It’s a lot like Nanowrimo (which I love) only for music. The challenge is to write and possibly make rough recordings of 14 songs by the end of the month. This works out to be about 2 days per song.

Like Nanowrimo, FAWM has an active and encouraging worldwide community. They provide forums, feedback, writing prompts, and more.

So yeah! We’re a few days into February now which means I’m taking a break from focusing on my novel writing in order to dabble with songs. It’s not something I have a lot of experience with and frankly I’m not expecting to become a rock star in the next few weeks.

It’s a bit scary, actually, but also exciting to throw myself into something new.

I think it will stretch me as a writer and I know it’s good for me to be challenged. It’s like when I’ve talked about making risky goals and dreaming big dreams– sometimes we just have to go for it!

So this month I’m gonna go for it. 🙂

Stay tuned (haha sorry bad music pun) for updates in a few weeks and I’ll share with you how it all goes!

(My “Fawmer” name is BethyRose, same as on Nanowrimo, if anyone wants to look me up!)

In the meantime, keep writing, keep being awesome, and maybe just go for it and try something new this month! You can do it, I know you can 🙂