Top Ten (ish) March 2022

Here are 10 (ish) things that have caught my attention this month! From the absurdity of Fluxx to the nerdiness of octordle and more… Feel free to chime in below with things you’ve been up to and appreciating these days! 🙂

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Ten Things From March

1. We are dreaming of summer and using our imagination lots these days! Which translates to plenty of pretend camping in our living room and getting good mileage out of our “Let’s Explore” campfire set as we count down the days until we can make s’mores and campfires for real.

Whether you’re dreaming of campfires or the beach (or both!!) I hope you can find some fun ways to be looking forward to warmer weather!

2. I’ve been recently rereading Mo Willem’s Elephant and Piggy books to my kids and am reminded of how amazingly wonderful they are. If you’re looking for a great example of how you can portray vibrant characters with only a few words and pictures, look no further! These books show different personalities interacting in interesting ways and acknowledges important topics and emotions like friendship, sharing, insecurity, and including others.

3. For my own reading, I just started One Blood: Parting Words To The Church On Race And Love by John M. Perkins. So far this book is excellent, thoughtful, bold, and important. Regardless of your faith background or perspective on these issues, this book raises important points to think about.

4. Will you win the game of Fluxx by combining the cards “cookies and milk” or manage to score with “the best friends playlist”? Maybe you’re about to win but then all the rules change- a not infrequent occurrence! We’ve been enjoying the absurdity of the card game Fluxx these days as well the Batman edition which is one of the many (many!) expansions. Perfect if you’re looking for some zany fun 🙂

5. Is it acceptable to admit that I watched the movie Dune without reading the book first?? I’m still not sure what I think about the movie, I think I’ll need to see the sequel to decide for sure, but just getting to see such a sweeping and dramatic film brought to life is a treat in its own right.

6. Do these boxes look familiar? Like many of you I’ve been playing wordle lately… It’s good geeky, social, and low-pressure fun! Other favorite spin-offs are nerdle (math based) and octordle (where you do eight puzzles at once). I didn’t know enough music words to often succeed at byrdle but I gave it a go anyways!

7. Tis the season for girl scout cookies! Thin mint cookies are a favorite that’s hard to beat!

And you know what else it’s time for? Pie! That’s right- March 14th was pi day (3.14) so everyone should be celebrating by eating pie all month long. I’m always interested in new pie recipes so feel free to share your favorite below 🙂

8. Writing Prompt- Write about a character visiting their childhood home after decades away.

9. Kindness prompt- I think we could use some extra kindness in our world. What is something kind you can do for someone else today?

Some ideas are:

  • Write a note to a friend
  • Share a treat with a neighbor
  • Say hi to someone who looks lonely
  • Be extra extra patient with everyone you encounter
  • Clean something in a shared space
  • Play with a child

10. Wellness Prompt- Don’t forget to be kind to yourself as well! What is something kind you can do for yourself today?

Some ideas are:

  • Let yourself sit and just be still for 10 minutes
  • Listen to music that makes you happy
  • List seven things you like about yourself
  • Stretch and then drink some water
  • Talk to someone who loves you
  • Give yourself permission to not be perfect

As always, feel free to chime in below and let me know what some of your favorite things have been lately! Take care!