What I’m Reading: Keep Going by Austin Kleon

I’m currently reading Keep Going by Austin Kleon and it just seems so very applicable these days. Not only just to writing, but to everything!

Keep Going by Austin Kleon

Take this gem as the book opens for instance:

“Whether you’re burned out, starting out, starting over, or wildly successful, the question is always the same: How to keep going?”

Yup, this book is for all of us. I have found it to be encouraging, amusing, and restorative to my soul.

Kleon talks about why we need to get outside because “The Devil Hates Fresh Air.” Unplugging and getting outside is so healthy for our creativity, but also for our physical and mental well being!

Here is a list Kleon shares with us on page 24:

How To Be Happy:

  1. Read old books.
  2. Go for long walks.
  3. Play the piano.
  4. Make art with kids.
  5. Watch screwball comedies.
  6. Listen to soul music.
  7. Write in a diary.
  8. Take naps.
  9. Look at the moon.
  10. Make dumb lists.

Your own happy list may contain any number of different activities! They are a part of living a healthy life and are key as we learn to keep going.

Here’s a writing/creating prompt from page 74:

“When nothing’s fun anymore, try to make the worst thing you can. The ugliest drawing. The crummiest poem. The most obnoxious song. Making intentionally bad art is tons of fun.”

If you’re looking for weekly doodles, encouragement, mini zines, and insights on living a creating life, definitely sign up for Austin Kleon’s newsletter. All of his books (including Keep Going!) are listed on my resources page if you want to check them out further because yes, I own them all and think they are great.

Wherever you’re at today, whether you’re thriving or just barely getting by, I hope you keep going! We’re in this together 🙂

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