Why We Should All Be Writing Diverse Stories

Regardless of how we identify ourselves, we should all be writing diverse stories.

And not just because it’s a buzzword or because we want to be politically correct.

Diversity is important to recognize because we are not all the same. We come in different shapes, colors, sizes, ages, beliefs, genders, sexualities, abilities, backgrounds, mental health, physical health… the list goes on. And on.

Our diverse world is a beautiful place filled with beautiful souls.

So what does this mean for us writers?

Well, it means our stories should reflect that diversity.

Diversity is important because:

We want to be authentic and true

The world is diverse. If our writing doesn’t reflect that then we aren’t writing about the real world.

We want to connect with our readers

Our readers contain many different types of people. By including diversity in our writing we can better reach our audience.

We want to teach our readers

Education and broadening minds is a part of art. We can help teach our readers about things they may not experience on their own.

We owe it to our readers to include diversity in our writing, and we owe it to our stories to be making them the best they can be.

And in case you’re wondering, diversity doesn’t need to be the point of our stories.

We don’t need to be political or have a message. We just need to include characters who aren’t all the same and normalize the fact that people are different.

That those differences are a part of life.

Including diversity in our writing

If you have your own personal diverse story to tell, then by all means please tell it!

Tell it with honesty and courage. Ask for help if you need it, because your voice is worth sharing. You have a unique experience that we want to listen to.

For some of us… well. I’m very aware that I’m a straight, middle-class, white girl. Not so diverse.

It’s still important for me to include diversity in my writing.

Writing diverse stories is something I’m still working on and probably won’t ever be perfect at. But it’s worth the effort and it’s imperative that we try.

Important things to consider when writing diverse stories:

Do our research

It’s super super important to take the time to research experiences that we haven’t had ourselves. Getting both the basics and the details right not only adds depth to our story but it honors those whose story we are telling.

Don’t just be checking boxes

It’s not only obvious when writers have an agenda but it can be offensive as well. We shouldn’t be sticking diversity into our stories as an afterthought or as a marketing ploy.

Be careful not to stereotype

All our characters should be developed and have a purpose for being in the story. Stereotypes of all kinds can sneak into our writing easily if we’re not careful.

Have sensitivity readers/get feedback

Getting feedback on our writing is so valuable! Beta readers will catch things we haven’t, even after we’ve read our work over a million times. (Or maybe especially then.) Other readers can give us experienced perspectives and help us see whether we’re representing diverse characters authentically and well.

Practice empathy

Let’s not assume we know everything or that we’re always right. Chances are, we’re not. We all have more to learn and all stories deserve to be shared.

Don’t let fear stop us

It can be scary to write about things that may make people uncomfortable. It can be hard to share our own stories and it can be intimidating to try to tell someone else’s story who isn’t like us.

It’s easy to say we don’t want to get it wrong so we just don’t try.

This may come from apparent sensitivity, but it also doesn’t help broaden the gates of literature to better representation.

So yes, we need to be careful. But we also need to be bold.

Writing diverse stories is important. It’s important for our stories, but it’s also vital to making our world a better place.

So let’s get writing!

And may our stories be diverse, bold, powerful, and beautiful.