Writing Craft: Overcoming Writer’s Block

Have you ever sat at your keyboard and struggled to think of a single thing to write? (I know I have for sure!!)

That’s an experience many people call writer’s block.

Some say writer’s block is a myth, others say it’s real and causing problems for writers everywhere.

Regardless of what we call it, the fact remains that writing can be hard sometimes.

Writer’s Block

So what do we do when writing is hard? Do we wait for another day? Do we sit there stubbornly even if we don’t write anything that’s even remotely good?

Personally, I think it’s a bit of a balance between the two.

Discipline in our writing is how we make progress. Having writing habits and sticking to them (even when we don’t feel like it!) is what makes the difference between writers and those who just want to write.

Yet we also need to be aware of ourselves and our writing process. Sometimes taking a day off to rest can prevent burnout and allow space for story ideas to bloom. When writing is hard there is often an element of fear that needs to be faced or a deeper story issue that needs to be resolved.

To write well we need to find a healthy and sustainable balance between the two.

In our writing we will have good days and bad days. We don’t need to be afraid or surprised when writing isn’t easy.

Overcoming writer’s block often means continuing on with our writing (no giving up allowed!) and practicing self-care. We will find that things won’t be hard forever.

For Further Reading:

What’s Really Happening When You Get Writer’s Block (And How To Overcome It) – Goins, Writer

Rather than seeing writer’s block as a mythical malady known only to writers, Goins looks deeper at what is causing the writer to struggle and then offers suggestions to overcoming our fears.

How To Overcome Writer’s Block – Reedsy

Reedsy provides encouragement and 20 practical tips for overcoming writer’s block.

Beat Writer’s Block: 5 Tips for Writing Your Best – Grammarly

Down to earth and honest advice, this article starts off claiming writer’s block is a myth and then tells you what to do about it.

Why Write? Identifying Our Motivations in Order to Better Our Writing – Bethany Henry

This one is pulled from the archives here at Bethany Henry, so obviously I’m a bit biased 😉 But I think it’s so important to examine the “why” behind our writing, especially when we’re struggling or feeling stuck. Being reminded of our motives can give us a boost when we need it.

Writer’s block is nothing to be scared of!

We’ll all have days (weeks, months) when our projects may give us trouble and the words don’t come easy. But we can remind ourselves of why we write, practice activities that promote creativity, and continue on with our writing habits.

And the words will come back to us. 🙂

What about you? Do you have any favorite tricks or tips for overcoming writer’s block? I’d love to hear them! Share in the comments below- and happy writing today!