Writing Life: Four Reminders I Needed To Hear

Sometimes I feel like I’m learning the same lessons over and over again. The cycles and seasons of life keep turning and there is always more to learn, do, discover, and re-learn all over again!

It can be important and oh-so-valuable to lean into these truths and reminders of things we’ve learned before.

Today we’re looking at four important truths for writers- and, in fact, for everyone. These are reminders to help us be living a healthy, balanced, productive, and happy life. <3

As writers, we want to write well. But it’s also important that we live well, both for our writing’s sake but also for our own! Our life is our creativity garden, our well that feeds our writing. We need to care for ourselves if we want to live a sustainable practice of creativity and not burn ourselves out.

Here are four reminders to be caring for ourselves, which can cultivate and protect our creativity.

4 Life Reminders: It’s Okay

1. It’s Okay To Say No

Boundaries are important.

Sometimes we have to turn down good things in order to focus on our priorities. Sometimes we can’t do it all (even though I often want to try!).

We may miss out on things and we may feel guilt over letting some things go. But it’s okay to not do everything and it’s okay to not do everything perfectly and it’s even okay to let some people down.

Our time and energy is limited. Our needs and wants are valid.

It’s okay to say no.

2. It’s Okay To Have Fun

Sometimes we can feel guilty over having fun. And sometimes we have just too many worries and to-do lists in our head to joke around or stop and smell the roses.

But having fun is important.

From a creativity standpoint, fun and curiosity and wonder is all super important. This fuels our writing and sparks our imagination.

But creativity aside: this is our life- I’d hope we’re enjoying the ride!

It’s okay to enjoy stupid things! It’s okay to smile and laugh and do what makes us happy.

3. It’s Okay If It’s Easy

Sometimes we definitely make things harder than they need to be.

Instead of taking the easy pass, the simple path, or the project we know we can thrive at– we feel guilty we aren’t “working hard enough” or that we’re not suffering enough.

But the reality is if we’re finding ways to lean into our strengths, all the better. It’s okay to succeed and it’s okay to be okay!

4. It’s Okay To Rest

Sometimes we push push push all day every day. We make big goals and we fill our schedule and we do the work.

And sometimes this is great! We can do big things and be super productive.

But this is not sustainable or healthy.

We need to care for ourselves and find a creativity path that leads to a writing life that can be productive over the long-term, not just a weeks or months. This includes balance and rest.

Self-care is vital, not just for writer but for everyone! Taking some time to evaluate how we’re doing and building self-care practices into our routines can lead to long-term health as well as long-term creativity.

So to recap: It’s okay to say no, it’s okay to have fun, it’s okay if it’s easy, and it’s okay to rest.

These may seem like simple truths but there is no need to make it more complicated!

My hope for all of us is that we can be setting healthy boundaries, making time for rest, finding joy in our lives, and cultivating creativity in all shapes and sizes.

Happy writing and wellness to you today <3

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