Best Wishes for 2025!

Hello my dear writers and readers! It’s been a quick minute since I’ve written last and I hope you’re all doing well!

And I hope you’ll all join me in enjoying these beautiful liminal days between the Christmas chaos and the start of the New Year! <3

It’s so important and valuable to take time to breathe (it really is vital!), and this space is the perfect time to regroup, look at where we’ve been, as well as look forward to where we want to be.

Where I’ve been:

It’s been a busy year my way! As I’ve mentioned before, my life has gotten a bit busier schedule-wise with a new job and responsibilities! Plus my kids are getting older which means I’m trying to keep up lol.

But we’ve been settling into new grooves and so now has been a good time to reevaluate priorities and shake up habits that maybe aren’t the best fit anymore.

Where I want to be:

This year I’m practicing flux goals!

In the past I would set daily or quarterly goals that were fairly static- however I’ve been experimenting with more flexible goal structures that may fit better with the current chaos that is my life lol. Essentially I’m setting up smaller creative goals focused on consistency, with further “flex” goals that I can work on when I have more time. This structure keeps me creating (and in the creative mindset!) consistently, while also pushing me to take advantage of opportunities when they arrive.

I don’t plan to focus much on my blog this upcoming year, but I look forward to a handful of other creative outlets and projects such as FAWM and a new novel idea!

What about you— What do your goals and dreams look like for the year ahead?

It doesn’t hurt to dream! Sometimes we can do more than we think, and we never know what opportunities may present themselves <3

Take care and be well, my friends! All the best wishes for the new year and the days ahead!

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