Happy New Year!

There is always something so exciting about January and looking at the new year ahead, putting the past behind us and starting fresh.

It’s a great time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going.

To review how we’re doing mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

And I hope we’re also taking time to rest, to breathe, and to enjoy the hope the new year brings!

New Year inspired readings from the archives:

On Goals:

SMART Goals For Smart Writers

Not Just Any Old Goals- Setting Goals That Work

Goals, Mini Goals, and Grace

On Rest:

5 Ways To Take A Break Without Quitting

Taking A Break: Rest Is Important

On Wellness:

Wellness for Writers (With Worksheet)

Creating Balance (Not Busyness)

Congratulations to all of you for making it through 2020!!!

Many well wishes for a happy and healthy new year ahead <3

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