Give Me a Place Among the Dreamers

We have big dreams we want to achieve. Plans and passions, books to write and better people we want to become.

So the questions is, who do you spend most of your time with?

A popular quote by Jim Rohn says that we become like the 5 people we are closest to. 

Research shows that this sphere of influence is even larger, with the strongest influence coming from those we spend the most time with but significant influence extending to our entire social network.

We’ve seen this happen. We start saying the same phrases as our friends, laugh at the same jokes, watch the same movies. 

Sometimes these influences can even be deeper than we realize.

Beyond the movies we watch, our values and attitudes are shaped by those we’re around most often. 

So what does this mean for us writers?

Answer: We want to surround ourselves with people who are dreamers.

Whether they’re artists, writers, business people, stay at home parents, or between jobs at the moment- we want to be with people who aren’t afraid of big dreams and big goals. These people won’t laugh at you for trying, instead they’ll get excited about your goals right along with you.

Negative influences can hinder our motivation and hurt our fragile dreams.

Instead, we need encouragement and sometimes very practical assistance as we write/publish/market/try to stay sane. 

Having friends who are dreamers can be life giving.

Having friends who are passionate about making things happen, who aren’t afraid of trying new things, and/or who understand what it’s like to be pursuing a dream, can make all the difference.

Some may be content where they are in life and that’s not a bad thing. There are many ways to dream. To see the beauty in everyday life is a gift. To seize the day is a superpower. 

Our dreams may not be the same- there are a million passions in the world- but the qualities of collaboration, enthusiasm, and passion are valuable and contagious.

As we build our “tribes” and decide who we want to hang out with on the weekends, let’s find people who are like sunshine. 

And let’s try to be the sunshine for others as well.

The people we spend time with have an incredible influence on us. Let’s be intentional with who we give that power.

And let’s strengthen each other, encourage one another, and move toward achieving our big dreams together.