Trying New Things Challenge

Fall is solidly here and I’m hearing about all these amazing things that the kids are learning at school. They’re learning new reading and writing strategies, what different dinosaurs ate, taking Chinese language classes, practicing deep breathing and conflict resolution, and figuring out word problems in math. And I’m just so impressed! Gosh, when was […]

Fiction University Guest Post: Creating Magic Systems

This week I’m talking about magic systems over at Fiction University so you should take two minutes to come check it out! Creating Magic Systems That Work and Wow Magic can be one of the most fun parts of writing fantasy- hopefully this can be a helpful guide as we think through what exactly makes […]

Underrepresented Mythical Creatures: Bird Edition

There are so many mythical creatures throughout the world! Today we’re looking at seven different kinds of mythical birds that may be often overlooked. Writing prompts are included just for added fun and to get the creative sparks flying! 🙂 Note: As with most myths and folklore, the information about these creatures is varied and […]

Making Our Writing Emotional

Strong emotions (especially negative emotions such as grief, failure, and shame) can be uncomfortable. As humans we try to temper and shy away from some of these messier emotions and the undignified moments of life. It shouldn’t surprise us that as writers we sometimes do the same thing. Now, for the record, it’s not necessarily […]

Underrepresented Mythical Creatures: Reptile Edition

There are more mythical reptiles than just dragons! Learning about lesser-known creatures can inspire our stories, broaden our horizons, and just be super cool and interesting. Today we’re looking at eight different kinds of mythical reptilian and amphibian creatures that may be often overlooked. Writing prompts are included just for added fun and to get […]

From the Archives: Mental Wellness

This month we’re collecting posts from the archives on some of our biggest topics. Today we’re looking at mental wellness, one half of the blog’s core theme of “writing and wellness.” Mental wellness shouldn’t be seen as optional or an afterthought- it’s actually a very big deal. It’s also a very varied topic, including (just […]