Hello my dear writers and readers! It’s been a quick minute since I’ve written last and I hope you’re all doing well! And I hope you’ll all join me in enjoying these beautiful liminal days between the Christmas chaos and the start of the New Year! <3 It’s so important and valuable to take time […]
Why Do You Write? Because Motives Matter
Understanding our motives for writing is vital. Whether it’s a novel, a thesis, or a set of songs, many of us have creative endeavors we are pursuing. And that begs the question: Why? What is our motivation? Why do we write? Why do YOU write? This isn’t just curiosity asking. While I love to hear […]
Time Management for Writers
For writers (and probably everyone!) time management will always be crucial. Life gets busy so quickly and before you know it, the day (or week/month/year!) has flown right by. Even if the stars align and I have a bunch of time on my hands, somehow it still is difficult to get everything done. So what […]
Goals, Grace, and Focus Words
Happy New Year! As promised, we’re kicking off the year talking about goals. One of my favorite things! 🙂 We don’t need to be stressed, intimidated, or legalistic about it all: Goals can look like many different things and they can be a hugely useful tool even when used minimally. Along with goals we’ll also […]
A Pause For Year-End Reflections
We made it, guys! The year is almost over and a brand-new fresh year is right around the corner. That means, of course, that it’s traditionally the time to talk about goals (one of my favorite things!) but instead today we’re pausing to take time to reflect. Reflection and personal introspection is a vital part […]
Great Goals: Setting, Revising, and Beyond
The start of the school year is here and with it we have a few crisp fall-weather weeks just bristling with potential. Which means it’s time to pull out all our notebooks and evaluate where we want that potential to take us! I’ve talked about setting goals a decent amount before because it’s one of […]
New Year, New Beginnings, New Dreams
New year, new goals, fresh starts. What do you want to do this year? Who do you want to be? What do you want to leave behind? I’ve been rethinking goals and priorities and it’s both challenging and refreshing to contemplate changes. What would it look like if we could shape our lives how we […]
Goals: Reviewing and Looking Forward
The end of the year is approaching and I hope we’re all taking a bit of time to rest and reflect. These may be simple practices but they are so important! And they also prepare us for looking forward. There isn’t anything magical about goals that are set on January 1st but it’s a decent […]
Getting Started: Ready or Not?
Sometimes we’re totally ready for a new challenge or adventure. Other times… maybe not so much. Getting Started: Ready or Not? I’ve been thinking about challenges as Nanowrimo starts off this week- I have been hemming and hawing about whether or not to sign up because no, I don’t feel ready. I’m reminded that there […]
From the Archives: Goals and Dreaming
This month we’re doing a bit of a roundup here on a few different topics. Today we’re talking about goals and a bit about dreaming! Because often dreams and goals go hand in hand 🙂 I like to make big goals and dream big… but then sometimes it’s overwhelming and I make super itty bitty […]