A Month of Songwriting in Review

This past February I took part of FAWM, which stands for February Album Writing Month. The goal of FAWM is to write and record 14 songs in 28 days and there is this great community of people all making music and encouraging each other along the way.

(Really, as I’ve said before, it’s a lot like Nanowrimo!)

So before I return to my novel writing I thought I’d share my songwriting journey with you all šŸ™‚

A Month of Songwriting In Review

As I write this, February Album Writing Month is over. No more songs are being uploaded to the FAWM site- though there is still plenty of chatting and revising going on.

During FAWM 2021, over 13 THOUSAND (!!) songs were written and uploaded to the FAWM site written by over 2,000 FAWMers. Isn’t that amazing?!

For my own stats, I wrote 16 songs this year- some better than others šŸ˜‰ I recruited 3 of my family members to join me in my musical adventures, which was a fun way for us to connect from a distance. And I recorded my first ever collaboration song!

And, stats aside, it was a really good month.

It’s been a hard year for all of us for lots of reasons. Participating in FAWM was really restorative in a lot of ways for me.

It reminded me of some of the best parts of creativity and why we make art.

Highlights from FAWM

FAWM gave me a chance to play around and be creative without too much pressure.

I think we should all be playing with art more!

FAWM helped me rest.

Doing some songwriting gave me a break from other projects (which was needed) but still kept me writing (which was also needed).

FAWM reminded me that it’s important to try.

That when we try, something will happen.

“Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.”

Albert Einstein

FAWM also reminded me it’s good to say yes.

I had never done a collaboration song before but when offered the chance, I’m glad I said yes! (Thanks for making it a great experience, @metalfoot!)

Saying yes leads the way to new opportunities, even if we may not quite feel “ready.” (I’m not sure we ever feel ready.)

The month was a good reminder that it’s also good to ask.

There aren’t normally a lot of quiet moments to record music in my house, so I needed to ask and create the 5-10 minutes of alone time with my USB-plug-in microphone. And when I asked, the moments happened. And then music happened!

FAWM reminded me we don’t have to take ourselves so seriously.

There are no rules.

After all, why can’t I be a songwriter? Why can’t I write a song with my 3 year old? Why can’t I write a song about cereal? (Spoiler: The Cereal Song was one of my favs from the month.)

FAWM was a reminder of good.

Within FAWM there was a community of people all eager to connect with, help, and encourage one another. That is just beautiful.

And people are creating super cool, unique, and amazing art! Art is huge and magical and wonderful.

This past month hasn’t been perfect by any means. There’s been a bunch of lows along with the highs.

But being part of FAWM has been refreshing and fun, and I wrote a bunch of songs which I’m kinda excited about!

I can’t write 14 songs every month (boundaries are important and that’s just not sustainable for me) but I’m taking an extra measure of joy with me as I prepare to return to my other projects.

And it’s not a goodbye, it’s a goodbe for now, because next February I’ll be back šŸ™‚