Who Are We Writing For? Exploring Genre

Writers should know who they are writing for. “I’m writing for myself!” many writers say. As best selling author Jodi Ellen Malpas says, “You must write for yourself and not what you think people want to read.” And that’s important advice. It’s important to evaluate our personal motives for writing and work toward satisfying them. […]

Happy New Year!

There is always something so exciting about January and looking at the new year ahead, putting the past behind us and starting fresh. It’s a great time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. To review how we’re doing mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. And I hope we’re also taking time to […]

Self-Care in a Distanced Winter

Self-care during winter is always important. The darkness and cold can definitely take a toll on our well being. And this winter in particular there are many unique challenges and changes in our lives, which makes it especially important to be proactive in our self-care. Self Care in a Distanced Winter How are you doing […]

Goals, Mini Goals, and Grace

With the new year on the horizon I’ve been reflecting and thinking about goals to be setting for myself. Especially after this past year of unexpected challenges, it’s been an interesting thought experiment! Many of my reflections have started with looking at goals in general and have ended up focused on the concepts of mini […]

30 Writing and Wellness Quotes

Here are some quotes about creativity, writing, and wellness for you to be inspired by. Enjoy! 🙂 “A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.”Susan Sontag “Creativity requires input, and that’s what research is. You’re gathering material with which to build.” Gene Luen Yang “To write well, express yourself like the common […]

Fiction University: 5 Dos and Don’ts of a Good Sidekick

Today I’m thrilled to be guest posting over at Fiction University. If you aren’t already reading the hugely helpful blog over at Fiction University then you are missing out! It’s a great resource for all things related to writing. My guest post is looking at the dos and don’ts of writing a good sidekick. Sidekicks […]

Being Thankful Every Day

What is something you’re thankful for today? A tiny thing that made you smile? Something that made you happy this week? Practicing thankfulness is not just a cute Thanksgiving activity- it can be a mind-enriching activity that can transform our outlook in life. When we think about what we’re thankful for, we not only take […]

5 Reasons to Finish Your Projects

As writers, finishing projects is a huge deal. Finishing projects is the difference between writing as a now-and-then hobby and writing as a lifestyle that produces results. You may be confused, because recently I talked about why sometimes it might be best to give up on a project. This is true. It is important to […]

Nanowrimo Is Almost Here!

Every year, November is a bit of a magical time for some writers. Through Nanowrimo they band together in an inclusive and encouraging community, they set lofty goals, and they make writing a priority. Words are written and both small and big successes are celebrated. Nanowrimo is a special time. I’ve participated in Nanowrimo for […]

Dare to be Average- Not Perfect

To dare to be average is to intentionally let go of trying to be perfect. Perfectionism is defined as striving for and demanding perfectionism, which normally seems like a good thing. Right? Yet it turns out, some of our beliefs about perfect may not be quite… true. Consider this quote by Dr. David D. Burns, […]