27 Lessons Learned from a Month of Songwriting

So last month I took on a new challenge– I signed up for February Album Writing Month (FAWM) and committed to writing 14 songs in 29 days. It was a whirlwind month with its ups and downs, complete with school vacation for my kindergartner which made things extra exciting. Some days were good writing days, […]

Dear Writers: It’s Okay To Not Suffer

Writing can be hard sometimes. But it doesn’t ALWAYS need to be hard. And that’s okay. Do writers need to suffer? The stereotypes of starving artists and writers who go mad seems to be the most common representation of writers and creators. Sometimes we buy into this. It feels like in order to be a […]

Winter Self-Care for Writers

Whether you’re a writer or not, taking care of ourselves is important. Wintertime self-care is especially important as studies show many people may experience an increase in depressed mood over the winter months. This is especially true for those of us who live in places where snow and darkness surround much of our days! And […]

Don’t Tell Me: Why To Keep Quiet About Your Goals

As the new year has been starting there’s been a lot of buzz (as always) about resolutions and setting goals. And in a lot of ways, that’s awesome! I love goals. I love setting them, thinking about them, evaluating them. (Yeah, I’m a bit of a geek.)  I talk about goals a lot on this […]

24 Quotes for Writers and Creatives

Happy New Year! No matter what upcoming challenges you’re looking at, here are some great quotes for us as writers and creatives as we enter the year ahead. Quotes for Writers and Creatives To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it. Kurt […]

Procrastination for Writers: Not All Bad?

Many writers put the pro in procrastination. But is that always a bad thing? Procrastination for Writers Procrastination and I are old friends. My house is never so clean as when I have other things I really should be doing. Phone calls to make? Suddenly I’m organizing the house and clearing out old stuff I […]

A Letter To The Overwhelmed Writer

Dear Overwhelmed Writer, I see the coffee you’re drinking just to make it through your day, a day that’s filled with more chores, bills, never-ending-landry, and work than you know what to do with. I see you give all you have just to make it to your too-late bedtime. And I know you feel tired […]

8 Websites for Writers: Infinite Info and Amazing Advice

There are so many amazing resources and websites for writers that are filled with huge amounts of information. I’m humbled and grateful for all the many experienced authors and agents sharing their knowledge freely. And I think everyone should take advantage of them! We all have much to learn. Here are some websites that are […]

Sustainability Versus Self Care

The term “Self Care” has been thrown around a lot lately and for good reason: people are stressed, over-worked, and not sleeping nearly enough. We’re regularly flirting with the cliff side of busy and burnt out. We’re not sure what sustainability even means, let alone sustainable writing. The problem is that sometimes self care becomes […]